The popular choice amongst charities and not-for-profits. We work together to ultimately increase your income, but in a sustainable manner. We won’t naturally seek to secure you half-a-million if you have an income of £100,000 – it isn’t sustainable. But a sensible growth of £50,000 to incorporate your own fundraising department going forward? Now that’s what we do.
A diversification of income strategy can be designed and implemented to incorporate:
– Grant writing to Trusts & Foundations – Corporate programme – Individual giving – Events / Challenges – Social media marketing – Community fundraising, and more.
We evaluate your current methods of income generation, analysing the strength of its diversification, and work to stabilise it by increasing the weaker areas of the income generation to create a lasting and sustainable organisation.
And we are also fully aware, most charities approach is seeking grant writing of which we have as a collective over 50 years of writing experience raising over £20 million. So yes, we can do that too.